About Us
The TUM Speakers Series is one of the most prestigious lecture series at universities in Germany. Every year, dedicated students from universities in Munich organize events featuring international top speakers from business, science, politics, and society. With years of expertise, the TUM Speakers Series delivers events of international excellence.
Our History

The TUM SPEAKERS SERIES was launched in 1999. It was founded by the then students Alexander Selzle, Clemens Berger, Dr. Jörg Siebert and Prof. Helmut Schönenberger, who later also founded UnternehmerTUM and is still a member of our advisory board today. Shortly after its foundation, the TUM Speakers Series was able to attract renowned guests for talks. Among others, the CEO of Vorkswagen AG, Dr. Bernd Pischetrieder, and entrepreneur Roland Berger visited the TUM Speakers Series during this time. This was followed in 2003 by a visit from German President Roman Herzog. Gradually, it opened up to all students of the Technical University of Munich and other Munich universities and can now look back on events with more than 150 top-class speakers. These speakers not only deal with economic topics, but also talk about society, politics and science – in short, about all issues that are important in an academic environment.
After a relaunch in 2014 under the direction of Simon Dietlmeier, the TUM Speakers Series has been able to attract more and more foreign dignitaries to give lectures and hold discussions with students. In the following year, a cooperation was established with both the Digital Lifestyle Design Conference (DLD) and the Munich Security Conference (MSC). In 2016 a visit by Bill Gates took place, followed in subsequent years by visits from international personalities such as Kofi Annan (United Nations), Tony Blair (form. Primeminister UK), Eric Schmidt (Google) and George Soros (Open Society Foundaiton). To this day, the organization is run by volunteer students. Thanks to the commitment of each member of the team and the support of the university and the faculty, the TUM Speakers Series enjoys a high reputation and is able to reach a large audience. It has developed into the largest student event series in southern Germany and regularly attracts media attention.

Our Mission
The TUM Speakers Series is an independent, non-profit and student-organized event series that has been providing students with valuable insights into the working world and the careers of eminent personalities since 1999. Our aim is to inspire students' professional and personal development by inviting leading personalities from various fields to share their experiences and perspectives. We create a space where speakers can speak openly and authentically, and enable companies to connect directly with future talent to understand what drives our generation.
Mission Statement of the TUM Speakers Series
Our Leadership Team
Our Leadership Team is elected each spring for a one-year term of office. It is made up of the Co-Presidents and, as a rule, four other Heads, each of whom is responsible for a specific department: Moderation, External, Media and Operations. These team members have many years of experience in their respective areas and take responsibility for managing their department. Each Head coordinates and organizes all relevant tasks in their area and ensures that the respective goals are achieved. They work closely with the other departments to ensure the smooth and successful implementation of events and projects. The leadership of the individual teams is characterized by a strong culture of cooperation, responsibility and mutual exchange.

Oscar Perez

Sophia Willmann

Catharina Dahmen
Head of Moderation

Lili Dong
Head of Media

Nils Boschert
Co-Head of External

Josef Schmid
Head of Operations

Johanna Marx
Co-Head of External

Denys Kolomyychuk
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
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